
Validation Information:

[table border="1" colwidth="115"]

Contained by:,<add>|<back>|<body>|<date>|<del>|<div>|<floatingText>|<front>|<head>|<l>|<lg>|<metamark>|<note>|<num>|<p>|<restore>|<seg>|<sic>|<sp>|<speaker>|<stage>|<stamp>|<text>|<unclear>

May contain:,<add>|<anchor/>|<date>|<del>|<delSpan/>|<floatingText>|<l>|<lb/>|<lg>|<metamark>|<note>|<num>|<pb/>|<restore>|<seg>|<sic>|<sp>|<stage>|<stamp>|<unclear>

What is it?

The <note> tag contains an editorial note, for instance for identifying intertextual references. When they are used, they are standardized as much as possible, following a specific textual pattern.

In the past, the <note> tag was also used to indicate spelling errors, through so-called 'sic-notes'. This practice has recently been updated, however, and we now use a <choice> element with <sic> and <corr> children to generate 'sic-notes' automatically (and make them both searchable). For more information on how to identify spelling errors, please refer to the <choice> element.


The value of the @resp attribute contains the initials of the person who made the annotation. These initials must always be preceded by a hashtag (#) because it refers back to an entity that has been declared in the <teiHeader> – see also: 'Special Case: @xml:id'. For example:

[xml] <note resp="#DVH">This note was annotated by Dirk Van Hulle</note>[/xml]

The @type attribute is only used to indicate intertextual references, to facilitate intertextual searches. For example:

[xml] <note type="intertextual">This note exposes an intertextual
reference in the text.</note>[/xml]

A note on comments

While you are transcribing, it may sometimes be useful to leave a comment in your transcription, either for yourself (as a reminder of a problem that needs to be solved later on), or for others (for example to mark a particularly difficult passage in the transcription, that should receive extra attention by proof-readers). To do so, please do not use the <note> element, as that element is only used for editorial notes, which will be made visible in the edition when it is published. Instead, it is better to use so-called 'comment markers' that tell the computer that its content needs to be ignored when the XML-file is being processed.

In XML, a comment opens with <!-- and ends with -->. If you want to use this feature to leave specific question for our technical assistant Vincent Neyt, it's best to start your comment with <!--VINCENT: so we can find it even more quickly. Also, it is considered good practice to end your comment with your initials, so we can remember who left the comment if the file needs to change hands a few times before its problem can be solved. For example:


<!–VINCENT: Did I transcribe this passage correctly? //WD –>
