2. The Text

As the second child of our project's <TEI> element, the <text> element contains the encoded transcription of all of the text on the documents. At the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project, we work with three different types of text: prose, poetry, and drama. You can find a minimally encoded example of each of these types of text below, and more information on all of the tags we use in the <text> element in the tree-like tag structure in the sidebar on the right.

Prose Example

[xml] <text xml:id="MS-UoR-2934">
<div type="page" n="01r" rend="recto">
<pb n="01r"/>
<seg n="MS-UoR-2934,[0127]">xxx.</seg>
<seg n="MS-UoR-2934,[0127|001]" rend="part1">xxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx </seg>

<div type="page" n="02r" rend="recto">
<pb n="02r"/>
<seg n="MS-UoR-2934,[0127|001]" rend="part2">xxxxxxxxx.</seg>
<seg n="MS-UoR-2934,[0128]">xxxxxxxxxx.</seg>

<seg n="MS-UoR-2934,[0129]">xxxx.</seg>
<seg type="paralipomena">xxx.</seg>
<seg n="MS-UoR-2934,[0130]">xxxxxx.</seg>
<seg n="MS-UoR-2934,[0130]">xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx.</seg></div>

Prose Example

[xml] <text xml:id="MS-UoR-3316">
<div type="poem" n="01">
<head>Comment dire</head>
<l n="MS-UoR-3316,[0001]">xxx</l>
<l n="MS-UoR-3316,[0002]">xxx</l>
<l n="MS-UoR-3316,[0003]">xxx</l>

Drama Example

[xml] <text xml:id="MS-HRC-2352">
<div type="act" n="01">
<head>Act I<head>
<seg n="MS-HRC-2352,[0001]"><stage>Enter Clov.</stage></seg>
<sp who="c"><speaker>Clov</speaker>
<seg n="MS-HRC-2352,[0002]">xxx</seg>
<seg n="MS-HRC-2352,[0003]">xxx</seg>

<sp who="h"><speaker>Hamm</speaker>
<seg n="MS-HRC-2352,[0004]">xxx</seg>
