
Validation Information:

[table border="1" colwidth="115"]


Contained by:,<add>|<corr>|<date>|<del>|<head>|<hi>|<l>|<metamark>|<note>|<num>|<p>|<restore>|<seg>|<sic>|<speaker>|<stage>|<stamp>|<unclear>

May contain:,<anchor/>|<delSpan/>|<figDesc>|<floatingText>|<lb/>|<lg>|<metamark>|<note>|<pb/>

What is it?

Doodles are drawings by the author during the writing process. We give every doodle a name, and a description. The description is surrounded by <figDesc> tags (which stands for 'figure description'), an the <figDesc> tags are in turn surrounded by <figure> tags.

[xml]<figure type="doodle" corresp="#06v" xml:id="MS-HRC-SB-5-9-2__06v_-_doodle1" n="104">
A simple stick figure, drawn in blue ink.


The @xml:id attribute holds a unique identifier for the doodle. We like to encode the MS number, the page number and the fact that it's a doodle within this @xml:id.

For example:


<figure xml:id="MS-HRC-SB-5-9-2__06v_-_doodle1">


The @corresp attribute holds a hashtag plus the page number of the location of the doodle.

For example:

[xml]<figure corresp="#06v">[/xml]

The @n attribute indicates the doodle's number. Please number all doodles, and start from 1 for each version of the text. If one version of the text is spread over more than one notebook, please do not start renumbering from one when you reach the second notebook, or the third.

For example:
=> Eng MS 1 (three nb's) > contains 700 doodles
=> Eng MS 2 (two nb's) > contains 567 doodles
=> Eng TS 1 (140 loose leaves) > contains 60 doodles

The @type attribute requires the value "doodle".

For example:

[xml]<figure type="doodle">[/xml]

The @xml:id also serves as a filename for an image of that doodle. Please crop every doodle (on the "big.jpg" facsimile in your images folder, not on the regular image), save it as the value of the @xml:id for that doodle + .jpg. For example:


Then save the image in a "doodles" folder within the images folder. For example:
