Validation Information:
[table border="1" colwidth="115"]
Contained by:,<teiHeader>
May contain:,<handNotes>|<langUsage>|<listTranspose>
Attributes:, none [/table]
What is it?
The <profileDesc>
provides information about the non-bibliographic aspects of the text.
The <handNotes>
element contains a list of the different writing tools that were used. Each item in the list resides inside an individual <handNote>
element. Those <handNote>
elements are empty elements that contain the writing tool in their @medium
attributes. The writing tool that was used the most throughout the document receives an extra @scope
attribute, which has "major"
as its value. For example:
<handNote scope="major" medium="blueblack_ink"/>
<handNote medium="red_ink"/>
<handNote medium="pencil"/>
The <langUsage>
element contains a list of all the languages that were used in the document. Each item in the list resides within its own <language>
element. Those <language>
elements are empty elements that contain the language in question in an @ident
attribute, which has the language's ISO code as its value. For example:
<language ident="FR"/>
<language ident="EN"/>
The <listTranspose>
element contains a list of all the transpositions that occur in the text. Each transposition in the list resides within its own <transpose>
element, which in turn has two empty <ptr/>
elements. These <ptr/>
elements each have a @target
attribute that contain the @xml:id
of one of the two parts of the transposition (that occurs in the <text>
), preceded by a hashtag (#). In this list, the @xml:ids
occur in the sequence that they should occur in the reading text (after the transposition has taken place). For example:
<ptr target="#transpo2"/>
<ptr target="#transpo1"/>
For more information, please refer to the <seg> tag (under the @type attribute, which can have a "transposition" value).